What are Toxic Relationships?
Firstly it’s important to know the meaning of the term Toxic Relationships. These are relationships where you feel the need to put on a different persona in order to maintain the relationship you have with that individual or group of people.
This can be ANY relationship in your life. From parents/siblings/friends/partners/coworkers to clients & even business coaches.
When building your dream life it’s crucial to acknowledge the impact that past trauma can have on your ability to receive and maintain abundance in various aspects of life. Understanding and addressing these limitations is vital for personal growth and empowerment.
Here are five ways in which past experiences might be restricting the flow of abundance and tips on how you can overcome these challenges.
Limited Self-Worth:
Traumatic experiences can erode a person’s sense of self-worth, leaving them feeling undeserving of abundance. It is often the death of a thousand wounds with it being difficult to identify one instance or event that caused the trauma. Women who have experienced toxicity in relationships tend to internalise negative beliefs about their value and capabilities. These limiting beliefs become barriers to attracting and embracing abundance.
To overcome this, it’s essential to work on rebuilding self-esteem through affirmations, self-love practices, and surrounding yourself with positive influences.
Fear of Vulnerability:
Toxic relationships often mean you develop a fear of vulnerability as a protective mechanism. Because you are putting on a persona to be accepted, there can be a fear of being the authentic you. You hide behind a mask and this can hinder your ability to allow new opportunities, relationships, and experiences into your life.
Abundance often requires a level of vulnerability to receive and give.
Finding safe places to allow yourself to authentically express yourself is essential for you to learn to trust yourself and others again. This will help you feel more comfortable in taking the opportunities that present themselves.
Scarcity Mindset:
Experiencing toxic behaviour in your relationships can create a fear around asking for things. You can often be made to feel like your wants or needs are a burden to others or be accused of selfishness when prioritising yourself.
This scarcity mindset leads individuals to believe that there is not enough to go around, that they must put others ahead of themselves. This mindset can manifest in various aspects of life, from relationships to finances.
Shifting to an abundance mindset involves recognising and challenging scarcity-driven thoughts. Focusing on gratitude, visualising success, and celebrating small victories to rewire subconscious thinking.
Emotional Baggage:
Unresolved emotional baggage from toxic experiences and relationships can act as a heavy anchor, weighing down personal and professional growth. It is hugely draining to maintain multiple personas and this additional strain leaves you without the resources to push yourself professionally. The mental capacity required for toxic relationships could potentially be used on the personal development that would result in professional abundance.
The process of healing involves facing and releasing these emotions. Techniques such as mindfulness, journaling, and Emotional Freedom Technique can help you process and let go of the emotional burdens that may be holding you back.
Difficulty Setting Boundaries:
Women who have experienced toxic relationships often struggle with setting healthy boundaries.
- They often become people pleasers and allow others to set the rules within their relationships.
- They may constantly undercharge and overdeliver in their business and not set limits on how much access clients have to their time etc.
This difficulty can lead to overcommitment, burnout, and an inability to prioritise self-care.
Establishing and maintaining clear boundaries is crucial for creating space for abundance. You need to communicate your needs, saying ‘no’ when necessary, and prioritise your well-being.
Addressing the impact toxic relationships have had on your abundance is key for you to develop the life that you want and deserve. Consciously making choices with recognising and overcoming these limitations, you can break free from the constraints of your past. This will pave the way for a future filled with abundance, self-love, and empowerment.
If you want to know more about toxic relationships and how they impact your life and your choices, check out my FREE Healing From Toxic webinar.
Also please check out This Instagram Reel where I share some more insights about this topic.
Take Care and Stay Awesome.
Louise x