Heal Your Past
to Free Your Future

Recognition & Reach

Heal from Toxic Relationships & Emotional Abuse

with Louise Anne

Transforming lives of women who have experienced toxic relationships & emotional abuse.


Relationships are connections we have with others, and any of these connections can become toxic, from relationships with parents or spouses to relationships with friends or co-workers.

Humans are designed to connect, we are interdependent beings. We long for and need others. And when any of these connections become toxic – we suffer.

Toxic Relationships Coaching: Image - Woman holding hands in heartshape in front of lake landscape. Expressing self-love
Woman sitting on beach at peace during sunset


Have you ever worked somewhere with a toxic person? The stress and anxiety of each work day with them seeped throughout your life until you were angry, frustrated or exhausted all the time.

What about when you have been around a particular family member and after you are snapping at your spouse or children, just feeling irritable.

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The truth for abusive and toxic relationships, is that it takes two for a relationship to happen. Both parties play a part in the continuation of the relationship as it currently is.

That means that only one person needs to change for the dynamics of the relationship to change. Either the relationship will transform and continue – or it will end. Either way, healing the parts of you that allow this behaviour will change your life.

Woman sitting cross legged on floor outside in yoga / meditation pose

Toxic relationships are not always abusive.

But abusive relationships are always toxic.

Woman holding Daisies in hay field - Happy and peaceful

I know how isolating it can feel, being so insecure that you people please to try and connect. You feel invisible because you don’t feel comfortable in fully expressing yourself. Too scared to set boundaries in-case they upset others, and even when you try, you don’t have the confidence to enforce them.

Trying to connect with people and put yourself out there is scary and painful after what you went through before.

So much time and energy wasted, on people that never cared for you the way you wanted them to. And no matter how much you tried or who you became – you were never enough.

It doesn’t have to be this way.
You have the power to change everything.
You are in complete control over one of the biggest factors in your relationships.

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That’s the life you deserve..