Confidence Is Not the End Goal
It’s the Stepping Stone to What You Truly Want
This blog is taken from the first few videos of the Confidence Catalyst Series I did on YouTube.
I posted 31 videos giving you tips, tricks and tools to help you start building confidence.
Please remember to subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any future series I do.
When people say they want to be more confident, they don’t actually want confidence for its own sake. What they really want is the transformation that confidence enables. They want better relationships, more financial success, the ability to wear what they love without second-guessing themselves, or the courage to take big leaps in life.
Confidence is not the end goal. It’s the tool that helps you create the life you truly desire.
Clarity First, Confidence Follows
Before you go on a journey to “become more confident,” pause for a second. Ask yourself: Why do I want confidence? What is it that I actually want to change in my life?
Confidence alone isn’t going to magically transform your circumstances. But clarity? That’s where real transformation begins. Once you identify the specific areas of your life that you want to improve, confidence becomes the bridge that helps you get there.
Grab a journal, sit with yourself, and get clear on what you actually want. What would your life look like if confidence wasn’t an issue? What doors would you walk through? What opportunities would you say yes to? What version of yourself are you trying to step into?
Once you define the goal, confidence becomes a tool you can use to move toward it.
Your confidence comes from an alignment and understanding of who you truly are. Connect with your desires and not the desires that others have told you to have.
Confidence Is a State of Mind, Not Just a Feeling
A lot of people think confidence is just an emotion—something you either feel or you don’t. But confidence is so much more than that. It’s a state of mind. It’s the way you approach opportunities, the way you back yourself, the way you trust that you can handle whatever happens next.
In fact, studies show that confident people are 25% more likely to earn higher salaries. Why? Because they take more chances. They apply for higher-paying jobs, they negotiate their salaries, they speak up in meetings, they put themselves forward for opportunities that others shy away from.
It’s not that confident people are magically better or more deserving—it’s that they act differently. They embody confidence in the way they approach life. They take imperfect action. They trust themselves to figure it out.
If you shift your mindset from “I need to feel confident before I take action” to “I build confidence by taking action,” everything changes.
Confidence Comes From Evidence—Not Just Your Own, But Others’ Too
I used to think confidence was just a persona—a mask I had to wear to convince the world I was fearless. I thought if I could act the part, no one would see how much I was struggling on the inside.
But true confidence isn’t about pretending. It’s about knowing, deep down, that you can handle whatever life throws at you. And that belief doesn’t come from thin air—it comes from evidence.
Confidence is built through action. You take small steps, you prove to your brain that you can handle the outcome, and over time, that evidence rewires your self-belief.
But here’s the thing: that evidence doesn’t always have to come from your own experience. Sometimes, you can borrow confidence from others.
When my marriage fell apart and I faced the terrifying reality of being a single mum, I looked at my mother. She had left an emotionally abusive relationship when I was a teenager, and she had survived. That was my proof. If she could do it, I could do it too.
You can do the same. Look at people who have been through what you’re going through and have come out the other side. Use their stories as evidence for your brain. Let their experiences show you that you can handle this, that you will be okay.
Confidence is a belief that you will be ok no matter the outcome of a situation.
Perfection Is the Enemy of Confidence
One of the biggest mistakes people make is thinking they need to be perfect before they can be confident. They believe they need the perfect body, the perfect skills, the perfect circumstances before they can step up and take action.
But perfection is a trap. If you’re constantly chasing it, you’re constantly reinforcing the belief that who you are right now isn’t good enough.
Confidence doesn’t come from perfection—it comes from action. It comes from putting yourself out there, making mistakes, learning from them, and realizing that you’re still okay.
Take this blog, for example. If I waited until every word was perfect, I’d never hit publish. If I scripted every single one of my YouTube videos, I’d never show up. But I don’t wait for perfection—I take imperfect action. And that is what builds confidence.
So stop waiting. Stop overthinking. Stop convincing yourself that you need to be “ready.” You don’t need to be perfect. You just need to start.
Your Next Step Toward Unshakeable Confidence
Confidence is not the final destination. It’s the stepping stone that helps you build the life you actually want. It’s what allows you to ask for that raise, set those boundaries, show up authentically, and take the opportunities that will move you forward.
So the question is: What do you want confidence for? What’s the transformation you’re really seeking?
If you’re ready to fast-track your confidence journey, my Unshakeable Confidence Mini Course is here to help. Inside, I share the exact tools and techniques that have helped me—and thousands of others—go from self-doubt to self-assurance.
You don’t have to do this alone. You don’t have to figure it all out by yourself. Take the next step, and let’s build your confidence together.
Living your life with confidence is living your life with freedom.
Whenever you are ready, the Unshakeable Confidence Mini Course is waiting…
Take Care and Stay Awesome.
Louise x
Watch my Confidence Catalyst Series here:
Just head to the playlist and the videos are all there.