Transformative Daily Routines:
20-Minutes a Day Towards A Better You!
Strong Foundations
A Self-Development Course
with Louise Anne
Helping women to build ‘Stronger Foundations’ and thrive.
I’m not going to describe all the ways this course could help you or even list the outcomes you could experience if you learn the tools I’m making available.
Because the truth is that none of the outcomes are as important as this one:
You will develop such a deep connection with who you truly are that you will survive any storm.
Are you tired of feeling stuck in a life that just feels draining?
Do you catch yourself in a cycle of self-doubt and limiting beliefs, but you don’t know a way out?
Have you got a history of being lied to, hurt and manipulated by those you loved?
Do you long for a sense of purpose but are uncertain where to begin?
Are you looking for answers because you feel so lost?
I KNOW, This is How I Felt:
I felt like I didn’t even know who I was anymore. I was just a shell of a person counting down the hours each day just letting my life drift by.
Did you know that all of these are caused by the relationship you have with yourself?
When we have lived our lives having to put on a facade, we can lose ourselves. So much effort is put into who the world wants us to be that we don’t nurture the connection with who we really are.
- We start people pleasing or become a chameleon to fit in with other people's expectations.
- We develop a fear of rejection and limit what we achieve so we don’t outshine others in our lives.
- We don’t set boundaries or ask for what we want because we don’t want to be difficult or a burden.
- We start to label ourselves with words that others have used to describe us, “clumbsy”, “silly”, “daft”, “forgetful”.
The opinions of others become part of how we identify ourselves. We personify the character that others told us we were.
But what if they were wrong? And the only opinion that really mattered about you - was yours?
I Need This
I am Louise Anne, a Female Empowerment Coach and Motivational Speaker. I am also the creator of the Abused to Empowered Framework™.
With qualifications in NLP, EFT, Hypnotherapy, coaching and more. I have used my own experience and my love of learning to create something that helps others overcome what I myself have been through.
My ability to put things in an easy to understand format, and teaching tools and techniques that you can apply to your own life, are why my clients experience such incredible transformations.
About the Course
Strong Foundations
In this course you will learn tools and techniques to rebuild and connect to your authentic self.
You will learn how to understand yourself better and what little tweaks you can make to your day to day life to take back control over your thoughts and transform your life.
You will learn:
- How to create a meditation practice that works for you. Meditation can be hard after abuse and toxic relationships. This module is about understanding your needs and what works for you so you can create a meditation practice that is aligned.
- Why a gratitude practice works. Gratitude practice after toxic relationships can be really hard. Often we are conditioned to see the worst in the world. But knowing the importance of your mindset on your life will have you considering things differently.
- The power of affirmations - when done well! Well it’s only logical that saying nice things once in the mirror won’t make any impact if you are repeating negative things the rest of the day - right. Well this module explains how affirmations can become a powerful ally.
- Emotional Consciousness and the power of understanding. Toxic or abusive relationships can have us questioning our emotional state and repressing our unpleasant emotions to keep others happy. This module is about how to overcome that behaviour and see your emotions as guides.
- Recognising your daily achievements. So often our worth comes from what we can do for others or give to others. This means that people pleasing and self sacrificing can take over and we are left too drained to do what we want to do. Living in overwhelm isn’t your truth and this module teaches you how to take back control.
Each module has:
- eGuides for you to take your understanding to a deeper level. Read, think about and go back over with a new perspective.
- Videos with the very delightful Me, talking through the module giving you more insights and ideas.
- Workbooks for you to deep dive into your own thoughts. Learning more about the unique way your mind works
With lifetime access to return to the modules when needed, this course will continue to help you grow and develop a deeper understanding of yourself.
The world is noisy and chaotic with contrasting information.
This course is designed to help you reconnect with your own internal knowing, enabling you to make aligned choices for your life.
Ready For The New You?
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